Technical SEO

Greate a Strong Digital Foundationand Rank High on Search Results

For every second of delay in your page load time, your bounce rate increases and you’re losing valuable leads. Improve your website performance and capture high-quality leads and traffic with Codeme Internet Marketing Agency’s technical search engine optimization (SEO) services.

Best Quality

Money back


What is Technical SEO and Why is it Important?

Technical SEO is the process of ensuring your website is compatible with search engine guidelines so that it can be crawled and indexed without any problems. The main goal of a technical SEO audit is to assess your website’s current SEO and determine which aspects you need to improve for a seamless online experience.

Over the years, user demands have dramatically changed and search engines have become more sophisticated. According to Statista, there are now approximately 3.5 billion smartphone users across the globe. This massive surge in smartphone usage has prompted Google to launch an algorithm update that places more importance on site speed and mobile experience in ranking web pages.

Today, websites with a poor structure, slow page load time and wonky redirects can be penalized by Google. Without proper intervention, these technical SEO issues may result in a steep drop in search rankings and organic traffic. Given that the top organic search results receive nearly 35 percent of clicks, a decline in ranking could be detrimental for your business.

Technical SEO: Your First Step in Creating a Better Search Experience

Engage Your Target Customers at the Right Time on the Right Platform

At the core of algorithm changes is one goal: to provide the best user experience possible. To achieve this, you need to understand carefully what is technical SEO, what it entails and how you can leverage SEO technical audit to ensure your website adheres to search engine guidelines and industry standards.

Technical on page SEO includes several components, such as site speed, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), robots exclusion standard (robots.txt), XML sitemap status and content quality. These factors are critical to your website’s online performance. According to Google, a 10-second page load speed can result in a 123 percent increase in bounce rate. A one-second delay in mobile page loading time can lead to a 20 percent drop in conversion rate, an 11 percent decline in page views and a 16 percent decrease in customer satisfaction.

Don’t wait until technical SEO issues cause adverse SEO ramifications to your site. Invest in technical SEO for eCommerce, WordPress and other content management systems (CMS) now and save time and money later.
Schedule a call with our technical SEO consultants to find out more about technical SEO for WordPress and its significance to your business.

Technical SEO Services for Local Businesses

Improve Your Search Rankings Without Adding Any New Content
In this competitive digital landscape, you must stay on top of the latest technical on-page SEO tactics and algorithm updates to boost your website’s profitability. Understanding what is technical SEO and what it demands allows you to ensure your web pages are structured for both online users and search engine spiders.

Technical SEO involves the following processes:
In this competitive digital landscape, you must stay on top of the latest technical on-page SEO tactics and algorithm updates to boost your website’s profitability. Understanding what is technical SEO and what it demands allows you to ensure your web pages are structured for both online users and search engine spiders.

Technical SEO involves the following processes:
  • Running a crawl error report

  • Auditing preferred domain

  • Checking HTTPS status codes

  • Creating an XML sitemap

  • Increasing site speed

  • Optimizing website for mobile

  • Performing a Google site search

  • Eliminating duplicate content

  • Improving metadata

  • Checking broken links

  • Implementing Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

  • Utilizing robots.txt

  • Auditing redirects

  • Among others

We understand that navigating the complex requirements and processes of technical optimization SEO on your own while managing your core business operations can take a toll on your time, money and resources. That is why our technical SEO consultants are here to help you. Does your website’s technical on page SEO functionality hinder your organic search performance? Let our technical SEO company do the hard work for you. Entrust your SEO technical audit and optimization with Codeme and realize your growth potential.

Technical SEO Services

Create Actionable SEO Strategies for A Winning Online Campaign


We perform a comprehensive SEO technical audit to identify and fix your website’s technical SEO issues. The audit covers vital checkpoints, including mobile performance, internal link structure, page speed, XML sitemap, indexation, crawl errors, robots.txt and site architecture. Using the analytics results, we develop short- and long-term solutions to improve your visitors’ website experience and increase your Google rankings.


Get a complete overview of your competition’s optimization tactics and determine your conversion opportunities. Our technical SEO consultant evaluates your competition’s keyword performance, search engine rankings, social media presence and technical and backlink profile. These processes allow us to create strategies that will provide you with a distinct advantage in your respective niche market.


Improve your online visibility and gain more traffic with meta tags that effectively describe your page content to web visitors and search engines. Codeme performs technical SEO for WordPress, which involves analyzing and optimizing your meta descriptions, title tags, meta keywords, alt attributes and robots tags. In this way, we ensure no misused metadata could severely harm your SEO performance.


Large images slow down your site performance and drive away page visitors. Reduce your site load time and attract more customers with technical SEO for eCommerce. Our specialists choose the right file format, optimize your alt attributes, reduce the file size of your images, utilize image sitemaps and maximize image optimization plugins.


Page speed affects your ranking and, more importantly, your customers’ online experience. Our technical SEO specialists enable file compression to reduce the size of your CSS, JavaSCript and HTML files. We also optimize your code, reduce redirects, leverage browser caching, utilize content distribution networks (CDNs) and improve server response time.


Make it easier for search engines to crawl, interpret and display your content using schema markup. We highlight your page elements, assign data tags, create the HTML and add the schema markup to your page. Our team utilizes Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool to test your markup and diagnose any issues.


Keyword research is the blueprint of your digital marketing strategy. Get insights into current industry trends and consumer behavior and ensure appropriate keyword usage throughout your website. Our SEO specialists study your niche and perform technical SEO audits to determine your keyword rankings and optimize your web pages with high-performing search terms.


Gain a better understanding of your website’s online authority and search ranking capabilities with technical SEO for eCommerce and other platforms. Our team performs backlink analyses to ensure you acquire incoming links from reputable and high-authority websites. We utilize various backlink data sources to identify your referring domains, check their site authority and determine the social share magnitude of the linking pages.


Google penalties can be a product of algorithm changes or black-hat technical SEO for WordPress. To help you recover from a penalty, our SEO experts utilize Google Search Console to identify which type of penalty affects your website, assess your backlink strategies and resolve variations on original web pages and content crawled by Google. We also check all your redirects to ensure they work correctly.


Website migration is a delicate process. Develop a robust migration plan to avoid losing valuable traffic. We perform SEO-friendly website migration, which involves benchmarking analytics performance, mapping all changed URLs from the old site to the new domain, updating all internal links, eliminating duplicate content, managing 404 pages and monitoring traffic and rankings.

A Technical SEO Company that Gets Results

Boost Your Website Performance and Generate More Organic Traffic
Technical SEO for WordPress and other CMS is critical to online success. With the right technical optimization SEO strategy in place, you can flag up website issues, take immediate action to resolve them and ensure all SEO elements are working properly. Leverage our SEO services to your advantage and achieve profitable long-term growth. Here’s what you can expect when you partner with our technical SEO company:

In-depth Website Audits

Your website performance is a result of different variables working in unison. At Codeme, we perform comprehensive site audits for your technical SEO, paid campaign, conversion rate optimization (CRO), backlink profile, analytics and competition. In this way, we make business decisions backed by data and research.

Technical SEO Specialists

Codeme Internet Marketing Agency is an award-winning technical SEO company in Sweden. Our team is composed of SEO specialists who oversee your project from assessment to completion. We identify, plan and execute data-driven technical SEO recommendations and maintain up-to-date knowledge of industry trends to ensure our services deliver results.

Full-Service SEO Solutions

Future-proof your website and bring higher close rates with SEO solutions tailored to your branding. We provide technical SEO services for eCommerce, Shopify,and local businesses. Our team removes anything that slows down your website performance, optimizes your page content and humanizes your brand to appeal to both search engines and online users.

Analytics and Reporting

Keep track of your SEO campaign performance and stay on top of all your online activities. Our team leverages analytics to gather actionable insights and obtain your desired results. We also provide regular consultations, email updates and monthly reports, so you are aware of your marketing strengths, weaknesses and opportunities.

Goal-Oriented Web Strategies

During our initial consultation, we determine and analyze your current campaign status, marketing objectives and expectations. In this way, we ensure all our technical SEO tactics are aligned with your goals. Our team also leverages multiple distribution methods to increase your site leads and traffic.

Proven Track Record

Our technical SEO company has partnered with hundreds of companies across the world. to help improve their digital presence. We were able to identify and fix multiple recurring site issues by performing thorough SEO technical audits and implementing results-driven SEO strategies. Discover more about the quality of our technical SEO services straight from our clients.

Enterprise SEO for Franchise-Level Clients

Throughout the years, we’ve helped numerous franchise owners gain positive online reviews, new website users, increased monthly leads and more organic traffic. Here’s how we can help you convert page visitors into customers:

Diverse Clientele

At Codeme, we work with both corporate and individual franchise owners from diverse niche markets. No matter the type or size of your business, we help you build flexible and innovative franchise SEO strategies tailored to your franchise marketing needs and requirements.

Data Management System

Our enterprise SEO agency collaborates with company stakeholders via shared drives and project management systems. In this way, we provide an ideal setting for teamwork between our agency and your company.

Tailored Franchise SEO Strategies

We believe that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy in SEO. That is why our enterprise marketing agency tailors each campaign to your needs and demands. Trust our franchise marketing experts to maintain effective communication with your project managers and to provide a personalized experience at all times.

Deep Knowledge Base

Codeme is composed of industry experts with more than 10 years of experience in digital marketing. We understand the challenges of dealing with a variety of businesses. As such, our enterprise marketing professionals adapt our enterprise SEO services to your specific style and individual needs.


As your digital marketing partner, we keep you informed of all campaign developments and online activities. We send announcements prior to making adjustments to your SEO strategy. In this way, you are aware of the campaign changes and why they are beneficial.

101 Percent Client Commitment

At Codeme, we believe that your success is our success. That is why we pursue excellence in all our campaigns. Our team stays abreast of the latest industry trends and executes data-driven SEO processes to ensure your campaign is on the right track.

Branding Guidelines

Our team establishes branding guidelines and strict company policies, which extend to your logo, page content and images. We highlight your distinct brand identity and ensure consistency across online platforms. In this way, we develop brand recognition and customer loyalty.

Analytics & Reporting

We perform comprehensive campaign analyses to deliver measurable results. Our SEO experts send weekly or bi-weekly updates, depending on the agreed terms. These reports include your search rankings, paid and organic traffic, page visits and overall site performance.


Frequently Asked Ques

Which Web Development Services Do You Offer?

Our web development company is committed to helping our clients take their business to the next level! In order to meet that goal, we offer comprehensive services in the following areas:



  1. CRM/ERP: Leverage a bespoke customer relationship management system to boost sales
  2. E-Commerce and Retail: Create an e-store to sell your goods online or promote loyalty programs
  3. Marketplace: Create a platform to unite sellers and buyers at the same time
  4. Software As a Service (SaaS): Define a new source of income adapted to your needs
  5. On-demand applications: Develop an on-demand app to launch your startup or boost your business
I'm Looking for Web App Development Services. Why Should I Choose You?

We focus on our customers’ satisfaction. Therefore, we go the extra mile to get the best results in all our web development projects.


Furthermore, we have a highly efficient and experienced team of web developers who are ready to help you create the web apps that will make your business grow.


If you have particular requirements, don’t worry! We follow an individual approach with each customer, creating ideal solutions for their specific problems.


Moreover, we offer long-term support! We help you keep your business running through the years with the best custom web apps and software development solutions!


In other words, if you hire our custom software development company, you can be sure that you will get custom solutions, we will fix every issue that may arise, and we will do everything possible to get the results you need!

Can You Help Me Create On-demand Web ?

Yes, of course! Our custom web development company can help you create on-demand web for your business, whether you need to increase your profits or make your operations more efficient.


If you plan to launch an uber-type startup or you want to get comprehensive web solutions for your existing business, we can give you a hand! You only have to call us, and you will have the on-demand web you need.

Do You Work with All Industries?

Do you need help with your web development project but haven’t found suitable services? Don’t worry! We can help you! Our company has worked in the following industries:



  1. Education
  2. Cryptocurrency Exchange
  3. Financial Technologies
  4. Healthcare and Telemedicine
  5. On-demand Services
  6. E-commerce and Retail
  7. Shared Economy
  8. Food industry
  9. Entertainment
  10. Property management
  11. Logistics
  12. Travel and Tourism



If you want to hire a web development service for an industry that is not listed above, don’t hesitate to contact us to get more information about what we can do for you and your business!

What Technologies Do You Use to Provide Your Back-end Web Development Services?

We know you deserve the best, and that’s what we offer. At Attract Group, we use cutting-edge tools to develop and deliver the robust and competitive custom web applications that your business needs.


These are the back-end technologies we work with: PHP, MongoDB, NSQ, Graph QL, Laravel 5, Python, Django, Go, RabbitMQ, Websocket, WebRTC, GeoDjango, Celery, REST, ZeroMQ, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, Cassandra, Postgis.

What Technologies Do You Use to Provide Your Front-end Web Development Services?

We strive to make our web application services ideal for our clients, offering different solutions for all needs. Additionally, our team uses only the best tools to guarantee first-class results.


In this sense, these are the front-end technologies we work with: HTML5, CSS3, Angular 2+, VueJs, Ajax, JSON, jQuery, Less, MustacheJS, WebSockets, SocketIO, Grunt, Typescript, ES6, Meteor, SVG, Lodash, Bootstrap.

What Tasks Can I Solve If I Hire Your Web Development Services?

If you hire our custom web development services, you can find the perfect solution for multiple tasks, including the following:



  1. We rely on competitive SaaS tools and on-demand service platforms to offer you the web solution that can help you reduce your expenses, ensuring that it meets your business goals and budget.
  2. If you want to make efficient use of your time and resources, we can also help you find the right solution with bespoke CRM/ERP systems, analytical tools, and web solutions!
  3. With our web developers’ help, you can also leverage online opportunities to gain online visibility and reach more customers with your website.
  4. Our web development services can also help you build a bigger clientele, using CRM, Saas, and on-demand systems!
How Do You Ensure That the Final Result Meets My Expectations?

As part of our process to develop your website, we run a testing and integration phase.


In this step, all modules are put together and tested, considering your requirements to fully meet your expectations.

Do You Offer Web Development Consulting Services?

Yes, of course! We can help you know if you should improve your web application or website and offer long-term support and improvements to our clients.

Can You Help Me If I Need Progressive Web Development?

Progressive websites are becoming more and more popular in most industries. If you need help developing yours, contact us!

What Benefits Can I Get If I Hire Your Website Developers for My Startup?

Do you need website services for your startup? We can help you get your new business off the ground.


Our company has more than 10 years of experience in website development, helping to successfully launch 35 startups.


We follow the Agile and Lean methodology to help startups deliver fast and optimize the workflow to be successful in the market. In addition, we always choose technologies that can benefit your business.


Our dedicated team is always ready to cooperate with customers to get the best results, and they have extensive experience working with new businesses.


Finally, our solutions are profitable! Do you need to optimize your investment to invest in other areas of your startup? Our cost-effective services are for you!

Do You Offer WordPress Web Development Services?

Yes, of course! Our experienced team offers WordPress web development services to help you find the best solutions, whether you need to create a first-class site, increase your online visibility, or develop a strategy to gain authority!

If you do not find an answer to your question

What happens next?

We will send a short email notifying you that we successfully received your request and started working on it.

Our solution advisor analyzes your requirements and will reach back to you within 3 business days.

We may sign an optional mutual NDA within 1-2 business days to make sure you get the highest confidentiality level.

Our business development manager presents you an initial project estimation, ballpark figures, or our project recommendations within approximately 3-5 days.

Let's talk about your project.

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